Shia Labeouf has transformed himself from Disney child star to one of Hollywood’s weirdest actors. Earlier in the year Shia came under fire for his antics, including but not limited to alleged acts of plagiarism. To make up for his actions, the artist staged a #IAmSorry exhibition where he sat silent in a room while people lined up to tell him whatever they wanted. Now Shia has alleged that he was raped during this show.
Shia Labeouf is perhaps one of the most shocking artist of his generation. However, nothing he has ever done before could prepare us for his most recent allegation. Before an silent interview with Dazed and Confused, Shia stated that he was raped during his #IAmSorry art show”
“One woman who came with her boyfriend, who was outside the door when this happened, whipped my legs for 10 minutes and then striped my clothing and proceeded to rape me… then walked out with her lipstick smudged to her awaiting boyfriend who i image was quite hurt by it. All this happened in front of hundreds of people… Yea it was no good. Not just for me but her man as well.”
Shia went on to add that his girlfriend, Mia Goth, was also in line and found out about the incident:
“On top of that my girl was in line to come see me because it was Valentines Day & i was living in the gallery sleeping in a sleeping bag for the duration of the event we were separated for 5 days. No communication. So it really hurt her as well as i guess the news of it traveled through the line. She was only about 25 people back when -- she came in she asked for an explanation and i couldn’t speak so we both sat with this unexplained trauma silently. It was painful. The hardest part of the show.”
What do you make of Shia’s allegations? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
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