Time for another Apple update. In anticipation of the upcoming Apple Watch, dubbed the iWatch by members of the press, a display similar to the timepiece is now available for iPhone 6. This latest development comes after specs and details for the device were revealed, as well as Apple CEO Tim Cook officially coming out as gay.
It has been a big few months for Apple. Not only did the company confirm their newest product line since the iPad--the Apple Watch--but Tim Cook recently made a big announcement about his personal life.
The high-profile CEO recently came out of the closet in an op-ed piece for Bloomberg. And according to USA Today, this may make Cook the most prominent CEO to be openly gay:
"Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly confirmed he is gay in an opinion piece published Thursday, making him the highest-profile chief executive to come out...In an essay published by Bloomberg Businessweek advocating for human rights and equality, Cook says he was inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King to set aside his desire for privacy to do something 'more important.'"
Of course, that's not the only major announcement for Apple.
The Cult of Apple has been clamoring to get their hands on the Apple Watch, after it premiered at this year's keynote address. While customers will have to wait until 2015 to get their hands on the official device, a small substitute may be offered.
According to renowned tech site Gizmodo, iPhone users can now experience the iWatch's display:
"The Apple Watch's interface has intrigued many of us since it was presented earlier this fall-and since then, we've seen several developers apply the same logic to smartphones. Now there's a fully functional version available on Cydia's app store for the more adventurous among us...The tweak is called Aeternum (the Latin for 'eternity') because of its endless pan action, and it'll cost you $2.99 to download from Cydia."
For a list of the Apple Watch's features, you can check out our article here.
What do you think about the latest news? Was Tim Cook brave for coming out, or just late to the game? Are you excited about the upcoming Apple Watch?
We want to hear from you. Tell us your thoughts in the comment field below.
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