It looks like the Apple Watch, previously dubbed the iWatch by the press, may face a setback when it comes to the release date. Following the release of the device's specs, Apple has faced a wave of scrutiny. To make matters worse, even the FBI has bashed the tech giant, after numerous celebs saw their nude photos leak on the internet.
Apple has been riding a wave of negative press following their keynote address back in September, and it seems like things are about get worse.
According to a number of reports, GT Advanced technologies may be shutting down. While tech companies come and go, this likely shutdown could have detrimental effects on Apple's latest product line.
As Mail Online tells readers, this could be a huge setback for the Apple Watch:
"The company that was due to make the scratchproof sapphire glass screen for the Apple Watch it still in crisis and may be forced to shut down...GT Advanced Technologies, a former stock market darling and supplier to Apple, filed for bankruptcy on Oct 6 in a stunning turn of events for a company whose fortunes looked bright only a few months ago...Apple said on Thursday that GT's 'ambitious' vision of sapphire manufacturing was ultimately not quite ready for primetime."
Despite the recent bad news for Apple, this hasn't stopped third-party manufactures from creating a range of products to compliment the Apple Watch.
This is especially true of DWiSS from launching a crowdfunding campaign, in an effort to produce some innovative bands and faces for the upcoming device.
According to 9 to 5 Mac, if you decide to donate to their new venture, you can receive some cool merch in exchange:
"The DWISS team is seeking $30,000 in funding by December 1st. All backers will get access to at least one of the five custom watch faces. For $19 you'll get a cover in your choice of color, and contributions of $49-$79 will get you one of the watch bands. You can back the campaign at Indiegogo."
We want to hear from you.
Are you excited by the new bands? Do you think the release date will be postponed?
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