ABC’s hit fairy-tale drama Once Upon A Time is all new this weekend with a special two-hour-long episode. Prince Charming (Josh Dallas) and the Frozen Snow Queen (Revolution’s Elizabeth Mitchell) have opened up about Emma Swan’s (Jennifer Morrison) plans to get rid her powers with the help of Rumple (Robert Carlyle).
Prince Charming Josh Dallas recently spoke to Entertainment Weekly about Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) possibly giving up her powers:
“They’re thinking maybe it’s the best thing for her, to get rid of all of this burden that she seems to have that she carries the world on her shoulder. Maybe she can just be normal and she doesn’t have to be the savior.”
Morrison went on to detail just why Emma wants to get rid of her powers:
“Emma sees herself as a villain because she feels like she’s made so many mistakes in her life and she’s always trying to redeem the mistakes that she’s made. Gold can only see her as a hero. The fact that he sees her as a hero in the way that he does is really impacting to her to hear him say that. Those words are really powerful to her.”
However, we should not forget about the Snow Queen (Elizabeth Mitchell). The Frozen villain might just lose her cool, if she doesn’t get her way. Mitchell went on to discuss the mad queen’s motives:
“She just wants love. It’s not like romantic love. I don’t think her head works that way. She’s too young really for that, inside her mind. She wants her two sisters. She wants that feeling of belonging again. She didn’t know that she had that love and when it was gone, she knew she had it.”
Be sure to tune into the all new episodes of Once Upon A Time, this Sunday night starting at 8:00 p.m. on ABC.
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