Myriad3 Sets Controls for the Heart of the 'Moons' on New Alma Records Release [REVIEW]
Eric Bibb is the 'Happiest Man in the World' on New Stony Plain Records Release [REVIEW]
On 'Lead Belly's Gold,' Eric Bibb teamed up with French blues-harpist JJ Milteau in tribute to folk giant Lead Belly [1888-1949]. Now, 'The Happiest Man in the World' (Stony Plain), has Bibb wandering off into the English countryside with North Country Far and bassist Danny Thompson for one of the best CDs of 2016 so far. Rocco John Quartet Has Good Advice: 'Embrace the Change' on Unseen Rain Records [REVIEW]
There's no telling where Rocco John Iacovone will go. The sax man studied under Lee Konitz and Sam Rivers. In the case of the latter, John has successfully taken the Rivers dictum (if they can't understand it, go even further!) and whittled away at it, sanding it down, putting on a coat of varnish, to ultimately let his listeners alternately swoon and get excited. 'Embrace The Change' (Unseen Rain Records) is more than a CD title. It's good life advice.