EXCLUSIVE: Watch Minnesota Opera New Works Intiative Preview 'The Shining'
Blogarrhea: The Untold Story of Van Morrison and the Younger Sister of Jerry Lee Lewis
Jerry Lee Lewis isn't the only Lewis who pumps a piano. Younger sister Linda Gail Lewis has been opening shows for her big brother for years after performing in his band and in the band of Van Morrison. Her new CD, 'Hard Rockin' Woman' (Lanark Records) is a tour-de-force of rockabilly, blues, country and the kind of crazed pianistics one expects out of this Ferriday, Louisiana family. But there's another story worth telling... REVIEW: Drilling A Hole Through The Sky: The Haters @ 30; GX JUPITTER-LARSEN, JOHN WIESE
(Format 23,5x16 cm.) Armed with a large drill-bit, GX Jupitter-Larsen hurls himself from 3,000 meters. During descent, he drills a hole in the sky as literal as only he could -- ∆G all along the "polywave." And thus the title of this handsomely packaged, shoddily reproduced grimoire from John Wiese's Helicopter imprint.