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PREMIERE: Dan Trueman's Marbles Étude from Nostalgic Synchronic, Adam Sliwinski on bitKlavier

It's been 11 whole months, yes, since we first saw Sō Percussion's Adam Sliwinski's cross-handed study of Dan Trueman's bitKlavier. Shot then by Troy Herion, with Silwinski patched into his Princeton colleague's "prepared digital piano" via Casio USB for prelude-only, with all the bugs beta-ed out now, watch Silwinski's Roland A-88 shake under the more progressive hammer action of "Marbles"--directed by Evan Chapman. Like Ligeti's last Grawemeyer étude for Boulez from Book One, but played by the Synclavier I from Boulez conducts Zappa, lest you think Dan Trueman's lost his own here, well, just press play.
  • Chick Corea & Bela Fleck, 'Two' Double Disc Release on Concord Jazz (REVIEW)

    In 2007, pianist Chick Corea and banjoist Bela Fleck teamed up for 'The Enchantment,' which they promptly supported by touring together. Personal chemistry being what it was between these two grand masters, they continued to tour intermittently ever since. When Corea approached Fleck to produce a live album, he readily agreed. This meant culling through eight years of tapes, which Fleck did on an Oregon beach. When he had his favorites, he went over them with Corea. The result is 'Two,' a double-disc of concert moments that show the pair incessantly tag teaming through a variety of their own classics plus well-chosen covers. It's a dizzying elongated listen with more notes than the brain can possibly fathom.
  • Joseph C. Phillips, Jr. & Numinous, 'Changing Same,' New Amsterdam Records (REVIEW)

    Every genre has their "alt-dot" in front of it and classical is no exception. Meet Joseph C. Phillips, Jr. and his chamber orchestra Numinous. 'Changing Same' (New Amsterdam Records) is a musical chronicle of his life as a black man in America.
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