Trombonist David Gibson Goes Undercover as an 'Inner Agent' on New Posi-Tone Release [REVIEW]
Trombonist Steve Turre Paints All the 'Colors for the Masters,' Smoke Sessions Records[REVIEW]
Trombonist/Composer Steve Turre is not only creating 'Colors for the Masters' (Smoke Sessions Records)...but colors WITH the masters. Yeah, this session must have smoked alright! One of the greatest living trombone men, Steve Turre, has, as his core band, none other than bassist Ron Carter, pianist Kenny Barron and drummer Jimmy Cobb, masters all, on five originals and five standards. Pianist-Arranger John Beasley 'Presents Monk'estra Volume #1,' Mack Avenue Records [REVIEW]
Who better than Monk Institute Music Director John Beasley to finally create something that might have been thought of years ago: the concept of a "Monk'estra," which is, of course, a full-fledged 15-man orchestra doing nothin' but the hard, complex, circuitous compositions by The High Priest Of Bebop, baby, Thelonious Monk [1917-1982].