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Blogarrhea: New Book by Memphis Mafia Member David Stanley Digs Up Elvis Dirt

'My Brother Elvis' by David Stanley (Impello) is a true warts-and-all look at Elvis Presley from an insider's perspective. Stanley's mom married Presley's dad to become The King's step-brother. Elvis yanked him out of high school and took him on the road at the tender age of 16, inaugurating the kid with five hookers on the first night of a tour. Five years later, Elvis was dead. But it didn't have to be that way. Still, I had to ask the burning question...
  • You Can Thank The Vaudevillian for 'Bringing Satan Down,' Busted Flat Records [REVIEW]

    The Vaudevillian is 'Bringing Satan Down' (Busted Flat). Jitterbug James (guitar, whistling), Piedmont Johnson (bass, bull fiddle) and Norah Spades (kazoo, washboard) all sing and sell pics of carnival freaks and geeks from back in the day of off-road dime museums and medicine shows at their merch counter. This is where 1920s ragtime meets 1950s rock'n'roll.
  • The Girshevich Trio Live in an 'Algorithmic Society,' Tapestry Records, [REVIEW]

    Jazz is no place for children. Before I get excoriated, let me elucidate: sure, jazz education is paramount. But I have no patience for the next 12-year old prodigy or 13-year old country singer or 14-year old rock'n'roller. I want wisdom in my grooves, hard-won lessons learned by life itself. In the words of WC Fields, "go away kid, you bother me." That said, 'Algorithmic Society' (Tapestry), by The Girshevich Trio, is a pleasant surprise.
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