In Season 3 of NBC’s Hannibal, Dr. Lector meets Frankenstein...No the show is not going to turn into a network TV version of Penny Dreadful, but the show has created a new monster. Recently, it was revealed that Will Graham will survive Season 2’s bloody season finale, but at what cost.
Recently Bryan Fuller confirmed that Will Graham will life to see next season, although he will be a different man, telling Collider:
“For the new season, we have actually been talking a lot about classic horror and Universal horror, and the metaphor of Will Graham being a bit of a Frankenstein’s monster. He dies, essentially, at the end of the season, and comes back from that stitched together a new man. Who that man is and how he’s seeking his maker is going to be the thrust of the season.“
Speaking of Frankenstein, Fuller has also announced they are stitching together different elements of the books, into one season. Fuller told TV Guide about what is about his monsterious plans for season 3:
“Season 3 is going to be a lot of fun because it's going to be taking a lot of disparate elements from the novel Hannibal Rising and the novel Hannibal and mashing them up together as part of the thrust of the season. It's going to be fun to bastardize two novels into one sort of Frankenstein season. I will brace everybody right now: We're significantly changing the Hannibal origin story from Hannibal Rising….The books won't necessarily be in sequential order. We'll be hitting elements of each of them except Silence of the Lambs in the next season. My hope is that not only do we have a completely different Hannibal Lecter story in Season 3, but we will meet some of those great characters like Francis Dolarhyde and Lady Murasaki and weave them into the world in a unique way.”
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