American Idol Judge Jennifer Lopez' reputation took a bit of a hit after it was revealed in the tabloid news that her boyfriend of two years, Casper Smart, was reportedly cheating on the former Fly Girl with a transsexual model he met on Twitter. Word has it that Jennifer has since become obsessed with her vegan diet, but the sexy singer is subsequently in the hottest Instagram shape of her life. J-Lo is said to have her eye on Dancing with the Stars instructor Maksim Chmerkovskiy and has plans for them to start dating very soon.
Everyone knows by now that Jennifer Lopez ex-boyfriend is a ladies man like you have never seen--reportedly getting caught red handed getting involved with a curvy transgender model he met on Twitter, Sofia Vissa.
But J-lo is trying to bring the conversation and focus of people's attention back towards her hot hard body, and it is working.
An insider told Us Weekly that it took a real change of pace but Lopez has definitely gotten her groove back:
"She's truly worked her butt off to look amazing. She feels her best ever.
"Her diet is built around plants...Rather than ordering steak and the adding vegetables, she asks for vegetables and adds in a side of protein."
Jenny from the Block told a reporter form Us Weekly that her new focus on diet had to do more with general health than it did having a traffic stopping money-maker:
"I feel better when I'm in shape and taking care of myself.
"If you want other people to love you, you have to care about yourself first.
"I'm not an exercise fanatic. I don't love it.
"[But] You got to work out, you got to watch what you eat.
"It's a job--you've got to buckle down."
Now that J-Lo has the body she's always wanted, it's time to track down another man.
Jennifer is rumored to have her eye on Dancing with the Stars' beautiful beau Maksim Chmerkovskiy (via Us Weekly):
"[Jennifer] called and invited him to the show...[Maks] is open to seeing where it goes."
Worst case scenario Maksim will be able to have any tranny on Twitter he wants after the breakup...or at least that's how Casper Smart understood it.
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