A black bear wandered by a teen baseball game in Juneau, Alaska this week. Thankfully no one was eaten during the delay, as this sort of thing happens all the time, apparently. There's a dang trail along the outfield. So if you're in Alaska why don't you stop by the capital, take in a baseball game and bring a picnic basket for the... ahem... other guests.
You can see the bear and the Alaskans' fairly ambivalent response to it here:
It seems the inherent fear of bears is not universal, and many of the players and spectators have likely glimpsed the scene before (via Houston Chronicle):
"Black bears are common in Juneau. The Juneau Empire reports officials stopped the game for a bit to allow the Anchorage players to take in the experience. Bears normally walk along a bear trail that goes along the outfield fence and then cuts into the woods after right field.
"This bear didn't get a free lunch like last year. During a soccer camp, a bear walked down the middle of the field and proceeded to the stands, where it ate several sack lunches intended for players."
TMZ also picked up the story:
"The players on the field were surprisingly calm considering the situation -- and you can hear people in the crowd laughing like it's no big deal.
"The situation once again proves what we already know ... no one in baseball is scared of the Cubs."
Ouch! Anyway, the gorgeous Alaskan countryside is abundant with wildlife who apparently happen to also like organized sports.
What do you think? If you lived in an area where bears freely roamed highly populated places, do you think there would be more deaths and injuries on average than if a bear were sighted somewhere that doesn't often have to deal with such a scenario?
Tell us your thoughts in the comment field below.
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