Though Detroit's Calvin Johnson has been plagued with injuries for the last few seasons he's back and healthy as ever at this spring's Lions OTA's. He's probably glad to be back on the field instead of breaking up fights between his girlfriend and his ex. A few weeks ago Johnson's girlfriend allegedly threatened his baby mama with a molly wop. Those of you without a clue can consult the Urban Dictionary. For now, all is quiet on the home front and Megatron can just concentrate on catching passes.
After a few suboptimal years Johnson finally took some time out and got fixed up. He had a successful knee surgery and now he's as good as new. Due to his injuries he missed a lot of practices last year which can definitely throw off the "gel"; little things like timing and that sense of telepathy between a quarterback and his receivers (via Lansing State Journal):
"It feels great to be out here playing with the guys," Johnson said. "I missed a lot of practice time last year before games.
"You definitely feel like you need that practice time before a game, just to get on one accord with your quarterback."
Football is Johnson's primary focus now, which is where he wants it. A few weeks ago his focus was on keeping the peace between his current squeeze and his former one (via Classicalite):
"Johnson has declined to comment publicly on the incident in which his girlfriend Britney McNorton threatened to molly wop Shallyn Blanton. McNorton, who also works for the Lions in the front office, apparently got aggressive after Blanton claims she expressed displeasure about McNorton's presence. Megatron was visiting his child and bringing a girlfriend violated their custody agreement, according to Blanton."
So far no new developments have arisen on the molly wop front.
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