Days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday allow consumers to grab the most coveted items that they have wanted from earlier in the year namely electronics. The smartphone and tablet world have had numerous changes in the year and Cyber Monday offers new slashed prices for some of the hand-held devices.
Amazon is offering up slashed prices for items like Kindle Fire. Amazon will offer the Kindle Fire 8GB version for $129 on Cyber Monday, $30 off its usual price unfortunately for some this is the only Kindle on sale as the Paperwhite and Kindle Fire HD will not have its prices reduced.
Amazon is also putting the 7-inch Toshiba Thrive Android tablet is on sale on Monday for $248.86. The popular shopping website will also offer the 10.1-inch Lenovo IdeaTab S2110, also running Android, for $299.99.
Ebay through its partner is serving up the Google Nexus 7 32GB version for $229.99 just $20 off its original price.
Microsoft who have released a slew of new tablets are not giving away much in terms of deals but reported that the Acer Iconia W510-1674 can be got for $100 less just $399 for a 10.1-inch slate with 32GB of storage and the 10.1-inch Iconia running Android from Target is set at $299.99, or $50 off the regular price.
On the cellphone front hardware like an unlocked Blackberry Curve 3G 9300 are $189.98 at Best Buy with rivaling companies having the price as high as $319.99.
For those looking to get a cut deal for Apple products will be left disappointed, for the most part the best the tech giant is offering is free shipping in some cases and small reduction in price on some its refurbished items along with deals on accessories like iPad covers.
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