Recently it was announced that Lionsgate Entertainment and Haim Saban were rebooting the Mighty Morphine Power Rangers. Now that it is officially Morphine Time once again, we spoke to some former rangers about the new film. We recently caught up with Time Force Red Ranger Wes Collins actor Jason Faunt and Blake Anthony Foster, the kind turned Blue Ranger in the Turbo Movie, about what they want to see from the new film franchise.
We recently caught up with former Turbo Force Blue Ranger Blake A Foster at Xcon in Myrtle Beach, SC, where we asked him about his thoughts on the new MMPR’s reboot.
Classicialite: The new movie is the talk of the town. Do you think it is going to translate well?
Blake Anthony Foster: I would believe so. Lionsgate is behind it, so I would imagine that is it going to be phenomenal
CL: Do you think it might lose some of it’s charm when they take away the kiddish factor of it. .
BAF: You know, I don’t know. That is a good question. Everybody is going to have different answers for it, but I what I think what it is going to boil down to is what they do as far as the cast is concerned and how they portray the movie.
You can follow Foster on Twiter, Instagram and Facebook at Blake A. Foster
We also spoke to Power Rangers Time Force Red Ranger, Jason Faunt about the new film.
Classicialite: The Power Rangers Movie was just announced. How do you think the franchise will translate to the big screen:
Jason Faunt: I hope that they make the story-lines a little more older. I am hoping that they do a little more character development. I think we are all kind of hoping that they shew it for it an older demographic.
What do you think? Do you want to see the movie skew to an older demo? Do you think the Power Rangers allows for a more series story? Let us know your thoughts on the new film in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
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