It was recently announced that Lionsgate Entertainment and Saban Brands are rebooting The Mighty Morphine Power Rangers. We hunted down Power Rangers: Time Force actor Jason Faunt to ask him his thoughts on the new movie. Faunt, who portrayed the Red Ranger Wes Collins in the beloved TV series, spoke with us about adapting the series for an older audience. We also spoke to the Deadliest Warrior actor about his role in Resident Evil 6.
We recently caught up with Jason Faunt at Xcon in Myrtle Beach, SC, Where the former Power Rangers: Time Force actor spoke to us about the new upcoming film:
Classicialite: The Power Rangers Movie was just announced. How do you think the franchise will translate to the big screen:
Jason Faunt: I hope that they make the story-lines a little more older. I am hoping that they do a little more character development. I think we are all kind of hoping that they shew it for it an older demographic.
When it isn’t Mophian Time, Faunt keeps busy with various other action oriented roles, including Deadliest Warrior. Faunt also provided the motion capture for Leon S. Kennedy in Capcom’s Resident Evil 6.
Classicialite: You provided the motion capture for Leon Kennedy in Resident Evil 6. Are you a big video game fan?
Jason Faunt: You know what, I am. I know a lot of games. I don’t play them a lot, just because I am pretty active outside. But yeah, I loved being a part of it and that job took years. Its a long process.
That is right! All that awesome action you see from the game's lead is Faunt. Check out some of his hard work in the trailer for the game:
While you are at, head on over to keep with the actor. You can find him on Twitter @TheJasonFaunt.
Faunt’s new movie A Pony Tale is coming soon to Netflix.
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