A woman was arrested on Monday in Mumbai, India for her Facebook status update. Shaheen Dhada Facebook post landed her in trouble with authorities in the Asian nation along with her friend Renu Srinivasan.
The 21-year old student Shaheen Duda was arrested for comments she made about a general strike called by a political party, the right-wing Shiv Sena, to mourn the death Saturday of its elderly founder and patriarch, Bal Thackeray this according to Yahoo.com.
Duda posted these comments and her friend Renu Srinivasan "Liked," the post, the duo broke a number of Indian laws due to their Facebook activities.
"Respect is earned, not given and definitely not forced. Today Mumbai shuts down due to fear and not due to respect." She also said that politicians like Thackeray are "born and die daily" and the city need not shut down for it, and that people should remember the martyrs of the Indian independence movement" said Dhada
Dhada and Srinivasan were charged under section 505(2) of the Indian Penal Code that seeks to punish statements that amount to "creating or promoting enmity, hatred or ill-will between classes."
They have also been charged with Section 66A of the Information Technology Act that criminalizes online speech that is "grossly offensive or of menacing character." Another law they have been charged with is Indian Penal Code 295A, which makes insulting or outraging religious feelings an offense. Punish for each crime is three years imprisonment.
India has a numerous about of new Internet laws that were recently implemented.
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