Chris Martin’s soon to be ex-wife, Gwyneth Paltrow, has done it again. The Iron Man actress recently made waves with mothers everywhere when she seemingly implied that she has it harder than regular moms. Now supermom Angelina Jolie has come to the defense of regular mothers everywhere. Is Maleficent really a better mother than Gwyneth Paltrow….Probably.
The trouble all started when Gwyneth Paltrow opened up to E! News about how hard she has it as a millionaire mom:
“I have to go back to mommy…I have a rule about one movie a year, so I can't shoot anything for a while, but I'm developing some material and working on the site [Goop] and raising kids. It's much harder for me. I feel like I set it up in a way that makes it difficult because…for me, like if I miss a school run, they are like, 'Where were you?' I don't like to be the lead so I don't [have] to work every day, you know, I have little things that I like and obviously I want it to be good and challenging and interesting and be with good people and that kind of thing."
Paltrow didn’t end there. The 41-year-old Iron Man actress went on to whine about how easy people with real jobs have it:
"I think it's different when you have an office job, because it's routine and, you know, you can do all the stuff in the morning and then you come home in the evening. When you're shooting a movie, they're like, 'We need you to go to Wisconsin for two weeks,' and then you work 14 hours a day and that part of it is very difficult. I think to have a regular job and be a mom is not as, of course there are challenges, but it's not like being on set."
Following the interview, Paltrow was met with a world of criticism. She went on to try and quell the storm, writing on her Goop blog:
“Film work takes one away from home and requires 12-14 hours a day, making it difficult to be the one to make the kids their lunch, drive them to school, and put them to bed. So I have found it easier on my family life to make a film the exception, and my 9-5 job the rule. This somehow was taken to mean I had said a 9-5 job is easier, and a lot of heat was thrown my way, especially by other working mothers who somehow used my out-of-context quote as an opportunity to express feelings (perhaps projected) on the subject.”
Now supermom Angelina Jolie has opened up about balancing motherhood and stardom, telling The New York Daily News:
“I’m not a single mom with two jobs trying to get by every day. I have much more support than most people, most women in this world. And I have the financial means to have a home and health care and food.”
What do you think about Paltrow’s comments? Who has it easier, Hollywood or 9-5? What about those working fathers who balance raising children and maintaining their story counts? Aren’t those guys the best?
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