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Twilight's 'Breaking Dawn-Part 2' Gets Mixed Reviews From Critics

"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn-Part 2," is the final film in the series based on the novels by Stephenie Meyer and hits American theaters on Friday.

The popular vampire series is coming to an end with "Breaking Dawn Part-2" and reviews are mixed on the series' final installment.

Mick LaSalle of the San Francisco Chronicle:

"You can only kill a vampire by pulling off his head and setting his body on fire, something that happens with comic frequency in 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2' It's a movie so dull you might start yanking on your own head after about an hour."

Mary Pols of Time:

"The movie is a wildly campy, action-packed end to what has been a stultifying though undeniably beloved series; I have resisted each installment but had a shrieking good time at this one."

Manhola Dargis of The New York Times:

"Despite the slow start Mr. Condon closes the series in fine, smooth style. He gives fans all the lovely flowers, conditioned hair and lightly erotic, dreamy kisses they deserve."

Claudia Puig of US Today:

"Fans of the series, which has made more than $2 billion worldwide, will no doubt find it all terribly romantic and deeply meaningful. The rest of humanity will remain unmoved."

"Twilight," for those unfamiliar to the series is built around the relationship between Bella Swan, played by Kristen Stewart and vampire Edward Cullen, played by Robert Pattinson. The saga has made millions of dollars from the four films. The first "Twillight," movie was released on Nov. 21, 2008 and grossed $35.7 million on its opening day.