Fox has official picked Gotham. The new trailer was recently released for the Batman prequel that promise to surprise Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy, visually. Recently, Gotham show-runner Bruno Heller opened up to Entertainment Weekly about the new show, taking on the Joker after Heath Ledger’s death and Jada Pinkett Smith’s new villain Fish Mooney.
As good as The Dark Night was (Note* The Dark Knight Rises Sucked!!!!) the city didn’t really feel like Gotham. Heller addressed this, saying that the new show will supase the Dark Knight trilogy visually:
‘I’m not at all concerned. Actually I would-- yeah, in that area, I would say in terms of what [director and executive producer Danny Cannon and director of photography David Stockton] are doing--visually--Gotham will surpass the Batman movies. The movies are a very rigorous, kind of Germanic take on that world. They’re visually stunning, but not particularly visually pleasurable. I would say this is much more on the street level of Gotham. There’s more people, it’s a more colorful place, it’s a more vivid place, it’s more crowded. The inspiration for me and Danny was New York in the ’70s, because we both remember that as a seminal moment, coming to the city for the first time.”
The show is not going to stray away from The Joker either, adding:
“He’s the crown jewel of the Batman villains. He will be brought in with great care and a lot of thought.”
The Rome writer and creator is not afraid to tackle iconic characters:
“I’ve written scenes for Julius Caesar and Marc Anthony and Cleopatra. So while that is a serious and valid note, you can’t get into doing this without going there. That was a wonderful performance and--apart from everything else--wonderful make-up. And we should try to live up to that. It will be a different character. It’s certainly going to be more Heath Ledger than Cesar Romero. But like I say, all of these people are real people with feelings and emotions and history and parents. I just build from that.”
The show will also feature some fresher faces, including Jada Pinkett Smith’s Fish Mooney, opening the door for a lot of suspense:
“Even in the well-known stories, there are secrets and backstories that people are not aware of. We also have the pre-iconic villains, like Fish Mooney, played by Jada Pinkett Smith, and those characters that people won’t have seen before.”
Check out the trailer for Gotham and let us know what you think of the show in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
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