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Election Day Sees Obama and Romney Make Final Push to Secure Votes

President Barack Obama and senator Mitt Romney are looking to push through some final face time as the election race comes to an end.

Having already gotten the backing of top persons in the public eye with the likes of Colin Powell and Sarah Palin respectively the candidates will now try to some last minute campaigning.

"Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have offered a credible alternative to Barack Obama's failed policies. Governor Romney understands how the free market works. His pro-growth economic policies will benefit all Americans. He has promised to move us toward energy independence, deficit reduction, and responsible entitlement reform that honors our commitment to our seniors and keeps faith with future generations. Governor Romney deserves a chance to lead. President Obama had his chance. He's failed, and we can't afford to go backwards," Sarah Palin said via Facebook.

In contrast Colin Powell fully endorsed President Barack Obama by saying in an interview earlier in the year. "I voted for him in 2008 and I plan to stick with him in 2012, and I'll be voting for he and Vice President Joe Biden next month."

The Chicago Tribune reported the rounds the candidates were making all day long as they tried to meet with voters on Election Day. Vice President Biden landed in Ohio along with Mitt Romney to win the votes of the people there.

The president was in Chicago where he tried to reach out to voters in the city. Barack Obama told reporters in Chicago. "I also want to say to Gov. Romney, 'Congratulations on a spirited campaign.' I know his supporters are just as engaged, just as enthusiastic and working just as hard today."

Gov. Romney also addressed his journey to this point in a radio station interview on Richmond's WRVA and said he couldn't' just sit by and wait for it all to happen.

"I can't imagine an election being won or lost by, let's say, a few hundred votes and you spent your day sitting around. I mean, you'd say to yourself, 'Holy cow, why didn't I keep working?' And so I'm going to make sure I never have to look back with anything other than the greatest degree of satisfaction on this whole campaign."

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