The robot-filed future is looking bleak. Fox has canceled the cop drama, Almost Human, killing all chances of us ever seeing a Sleepy Hollow crossover. The show was created by Fringe’s J.H. Wyman. The show was produced by Star Wars Episode 7 and Lost mastermind, J.J. Abrams. Despite the show’s low ratings it did have a small but loyal fan following much like Nathan Fillion Firefly. Like Firefly, could the show’s first cult following be enough to warrant a movie?
Almost Human has been canceled. The futuristic cop drama was on the renewal bubble for sometime now, but ultimately didn’t make it.
Last year Almost Human creator J.H. Wyman spoke with MTV News about his hopes for the show:
“I'm just thrilled we got a chance to put another science fiction show on the air. The only reason we got five years [for Fringe] is number one the fans, and number two the media. If the fans hadn't made it happen, we wouldn't have gotten a chance to do this show. I'm just really happy that people say that scifi shows can be good, and maybe can get a larger audience with this one."
However, it is looking like the sci-fi cop drama is going the way of the Firefly. Despite a devoted fan following, Almost Human was not able retain a large enough audience to sustain a second season. Fox has a decent number of new pilots to consider, including the Batman prequel series Gotham.
What do you think about the cancellation? Would you like to see an Almost Human movie? Let us know in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
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