The Make Music New York deadline ends in less than 48 hours. If you aren't in the know, the festival has a rather large venue across the island and features 975 performers at 410 locations.
Submissions are open to the public, who have until midnight Tuesday to the event on June 21.
The good people at MMNY have provided some useful answers to your FAQs.
They amicably would like all applicants to understand the following:
1. I registered for the site, but I'm not sure what to do next.
Now it's time to match a concert. Click on Find a Match in your Dashboard, browse the list of available options, and request performances. Make specific requests for specific set times, and send a message to the other party to confirm your interest and plans. Or you can create both an artist and location profile, and match them together yourself.
2. I made lots of performance requests, but I haven't heard back from anyone! How do I finalize a concert?
It's important to make a performance request for a specific set time. Requests spanning many hours can be confusing: ask for a 30 or 60 minute slot, and then send the other party a message or even give them a call and talk specifics. Another pro tip: decline pending performances that you never plan to accept, or that conflict with a concert you've already confirmed. Venues and artists with dozens of pending requests are more likely to be ignored.
3. I confirmed everything on my end but it still says "Pending Admin Confirmation." What do I still need to do?
Don't worry -- you're all set! There are two levels of confirmation. First, the artist and the venue have to sign off on the performance time. Then, MMNY staff has to confirm as well, to make sure the event does not conflict with any other performances nearby. If the venue and artist have both confirmed the time and place of the show, then we will take care of the rest. It might take a few days, but we are on it.
So, if you're interested, please report to the site and get your application in before time runs out. One of the biggest citywide festivals this summer can be a platform for some very--idiosyncratic--musical wanderings.
As an added taste, here's a Street Films production of the festival back in 2008.
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