Wolf of Wall Street sultry Duchess 23-year-old Australian bombshell, actress Margot Robbie, recently started her Instagram account on March 22, and instantly got to work posting her life on the intrawebs. First the newly brunette Aussie started a playful dance feud with her friend Phoebe Tonkin, each completing to do their best Natalie Portman Black Swan impression. And yesterday, while on vacation in dreary England, Marg decided to spice things up by getting a finger tattoo--the design of which Robbie has decided to keep secret.
"I can do it too @phoebejtonkin !!"
But when it comes to striking a pose in a black tutu nobody's brings it like Tonkin, a point she quickly made to Margot and the rest of the world:
"And you thought you could out black swan me@margotrobbie well it's #tututuesday at @balletbodies"
Phoebe may have one that battle, but Margot definitely gets extra points for difficulty for her latest Instagram post of a video of Robbie getting a finger tattoo, while on vacay in London:
"Now my turn..."
Margot has refused to reveal the tattoo despite multiple fan requests, but with Robbie taking to Instagram with such celebrity proficiency, there isn't much we shouldn't wind up seeing sooner or later.
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