New rumors have emerged in the alleged engagement of Prince Harry. A report is suggesting that Cressida Bonas has called off the wedding, at least temporarily. Reportedly, she's not ready to be engaged.
Despite a number of reports to the contrary, The Spec is claiming that Cressida doesn't even have marriage on her mind. One source told the publication that she's too busy living her life to consider settling down:
"Cressida is very busy and has lots to do. Marriage is not something she's considering yet. She has just started a new job where she's being paid the usual salary for someone of her age - i.e. peanuts - and she has found a flat to rent with her friend Daisy. She is doing all the things that people in their 20s should be doing."
Of course, this report varies greatly from others we've seen, including a recent article in Star. An insider told the publication that the wedding was definitely on:
"Prince Charles was with Harry when they told the queen about the impending engagement; she was thrilled. She does wish Cressida would tidy her hair a bit, but that's a generation thing."
The tabloid is also reporting that Princess Kate is thrilled at the news and is helping Cressida transition. Middleton has actually taken on a very active role in the wedding planning, claims one source:
"Kate's already got a pile of wedding magazines and dress-designer suggestions for her! She knows better than anyone the complications associated with a royal wedding and plans on guiding Cressida through the whole thing. It's not a normal wedding where you can do what you want; this wedding belongs to the people of Great Britain."
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