The third episode of ABC's Resurrection premiere's tonight. And it looks like the season is going to live up to mind-blowing mysteries alluded to in the original trailer. Cast member Omar Epps is not letting rapper Lord Jamar's Twitter disses get to him. He just schooled the hip-hop artist on his African roots, before all hell broke loose on Twitter. ABC Resurrection is every bit as surreal as it Sunday night zombie counterpart, but without the gore and the violence. Almost as surreal is Omar Epps recent Twitter feud with L.A. rapper Lord Jamar, who didn't like Epps' View fashion choice. Lord Jamar tweeted that not only was Omar's fashion sense terrible, he deserved to be hanged for it: "So now OMAR EPPS has joined the SKIRT GANG??? Say it sint so!!! Old heads supposed to know better." "Whats so funny is @omarepps new show Resurrection looks interesting & was on my radar to watch especially cause he's in it. #whytheskirt?" "I still might check it out, although we gotta let these SELL OUTS know we not supporting the when they cross enemy lines. "We need to start putting these CLOWNS on trial for crimes against humnanity! Just like they did with complicit Nazi's." Side note: no one was every hanged for complicity at Nurnberg Omar Epps didn't exactly ignore Lord Jamar but at least he didn't let Jamal suck him into a Twitter battle. Epps only put up one post in response, as much to shame Lord Jamar as explain his own garb: "The uninformed couldn't understand my contemporary ode to Zulu warrior roots. The Massai, Fante, etc. It's tribal, study our history" According to a source at The Urban Daily, Jamar has been pulling this kind of crap for years, but worse yet some people seem to be eating it up: "This ain't nothing new...He's been saying this and even worse things at times. He thinks it's ok to sound like that and he's got a whole lot of guys out here who think he's preaching some sort of gospel. "It's sad." Let's just hope Resurrection has a happy ending. About the Author
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