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‘Blue Bloods’ Donnie Wahlberg and Jenny McCarthy Split Over Jim Carrey Ex-Boyfriend? [Rumors]

Blood Bloods star Donnie Wahlberg likes to think of himself as an open minded guy, or at least as open minded as a white man from Boston could be, but he is fed up with his girlfriend Jenny McCarthy's level on involvement with her ex-boyfriend actor Jim Carrey. Rumor has it the New Kid is almost ready to split, but Jenny is too worried about the Twitter autism backlash to notice.

Donnie Wahlberg is none to pleased with the attention comedian Jim Carrey lavishes on his girlfriend Playboy model and anti-vaccination activist Jenny McCarthy.

According to source at Radar Online the 41-year-old View panelist has been spending more and more time talking to her ex-boyfriend, and Donnie, always known as the bad boy of New Kids on the Block, just isn't having any more of it:

"She and Jim talk all the time and have become extremely close friends, to Donnie's annoyance.

"Jenny and Jim are always on the phone talking and it's starting to bug Donnie. Jenny pretty much dismisses his irritation, but it's putting things on dangerous ground."

Jenny doesn't care what other people think; she told her talk show television co-stars that she and Carey are as thick as thieves only again (via Radar Online):

"Jim and I have become friends now since our breakup."

Truth be told, Jenny could use all the friends she can get right now, since the Twittisphere turned against her because of her stance against childhood vaccination.

The mostly reputable news source The Daily Beast claims that McCarthy has espoused less the accepted views about preventative medicine:

"Though she has clarified that she "and the autism community" are not anti-vaccine per se, they are "anti-toxin and anti-schedule."

"That is, she believes the standard vaccination schedule for kids is "too many too soon" and the "toxins" in vaccines (mercury, especially) cause children harm.

"'Isn't it ironic, in 1983 there were 10 shots and now there's 36 and the rise of autism happened at the same time?'" she once asked Larry King. McCarthy only had anecdotal evidence from other parents to back her up but, according to her, "'parents' anecdotal information is science-based information.'"

Not only was her opinion not appreciated, McCarthy left herself open to a firestorm of criticism, when she asked people what they looked for in a partner via Twitter (via Daily Beast):

"Someone who think vaccines are safe, Botox is poisonous and who doesn't pick their nose and eat it on MTV #JennyAsks."

"My ideal mate likes the idea of kids not getting polio #jennyasks."

"Somebody who gets that refusing vaccines because of 'toxins' and then shilling for e-cigs makes you a pathetic hypocrite #JennyAsks."

"My ideal partner understands that 'doing my own research!!1!' isn't cherry picking blurbs from blogs. #JennyAsks."

"Somebody who gets that refusing vaccines because of 'toxins' and then shilling for e-cigs makes you a pathetic hypocrite #JennyAsks"

"My mate knows that anti-vax catastrophizing rhetoric& fearmongering hurts Autistic people like us IN ADDITION TO killing children #JennyAsk."s

But don't spend your time worrying about Jen...McCathey's learned to embrace the hate.

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