Fast and Furious 7 has finally resumed filming, which means cast member Michelle Rodrigues will have to tear herself away from her new girlfriend Cara Delevingne. But that might be a problem for the 35-year-old action star who reportedly fears that Cara may be cheating with bad girl Miley Cyrus. That is why she is rumored to be planning a secret engagement, in order to tie the much younger model down. The production of the film stalled following the tragic death of Paul Walker, whose autopsy revealed was alive immediately following the crash.
Michelle Rodriguez's dodgy history of alcohol abuse has been well documented in the media, but it looked like the star had finally gotten her life in order, before meeting 21-year-old British vixen Cara Delevingne.
Since they got together Michelle's behavior has once again seemed to spiral out of control, but that could have as much to do with Miley Cyrus as Cara it turns out.
According to the unquestionably reputable Celebrity Dirty Laundry, Cara and Miley's Instagram make-out posts are tearing fragile Michelle apart:
"It's typical of Cara to want to do something crazy and impulsive. But she seems deadly serious.
"They've talked about what kind of big day they'd have. Cara says she wants them to wed in their own element with no priest or anyone with a religious background.''
"She thinks flying above Niagara Falls would be perfect--like a no man's land."
At least Michelle's got a little time--there's no way Miley Cyrus is ready to settle down.
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