ABC new primetime mystery thriller Resurrection, based on a Jason Mott's novel, is set to be a 2014 smash hit. The pilots' premiere air date drew 13 million live viewers with an addition 4 million DVR watchers, even beating AMC's well established Sunday night zombie drama The Walking Dead.
Resurrection's second episode airs tonight, and if it's as popular as the previous episode Sunday night usual shows will be in for quite the shakeup.
The show about a small town where folks long dead return after thirty years appearing as though they haven't aged at all and their attempt to make since of the confounding "miracles."
According ABC, the show's very first episode drew more viewers than it's more established weekend competition:
"The series drew just under 14 million viewers for its debut on Sunday night, more than AMC's The Walking Dead or any other program on what is usually television's biggest night of viewing, the Nielsen ratings company said."
While those are already impressive numbers, Variety has the DVR views bringing the total up to an unheard of three day total for a modern series premiere:
"According to Nielsen Live + 3 data, which incorporates same-night viewing and time-shifting done from Monday through Wednesday of last week, Resurrection grew by 22%--from 13.9 million to about 17 million.
"While not a particularly large percentage gain for three days, 17 million viewers is a number that few drama premieres achieve these days.
"In fact, Resurrection is the most-watched regular-timeslot drama premiere of the season."
Omar Epps told Vibe that though the story was kind of out there, the reanimated story line of Resurrection is way more J.J. Abrams and in it Wes Craven:
"It's based on a book called The Return, which is a really interesting story.
"And that story is universal. It deals with some supernatural things, but it's very organic. It's not like some zombie sh** [laughs].
"The one thing that binds us together as human beings more so than anything-any ethnicity or religion-is life and death.
"Those are the two things we all have to experience. The Resurrection story is centered around that type of theme. I'm really excited about this project."
What good is a someone who's been raised from the dead, if they don't have an inexplicable craving for human brain--it just doesn't make since.
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