Thor star Chris Hemsworth has been a busy man as of late. Not only is he juggling his duties, as a soon to be father of three, but he has also had to fight off the Hulk and make a few family videos with his brother Liam. Hemsworth has somehow managed to find the time to talk to reporters about his upcoming role in Marvel’s Avengers 2: Age of Ultron.
In a recent video on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Chris Hemsworth and his little brother Liam Hemsworth worked out some family issues, with the help of Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks. The Hemsworth brothers starred in the mock trailer for the Charlie Bit My Finger movie, Bitman Begins.
This isn’t the first time that the Hemsworth bros have been at odds.The two were both originally up for the title role in Marvel’s Thor. Liam original one out, but big brother Chris swooped in and stole the hammer for himself.
Now Hemsworth is opening up the new sequel, Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, as I Am Rogue reports:
“Everything in [Age of Ultron] is ramped up though. It kind of blew me away reading [the script]. I don't know how Joss does it, but everyone has gone up another notch and the whole thing is bigger and more exciting and crazier. Yeah, he's a genius.”
Hemsworth recently spoke to Screen Rant about getting powered up for the next Thor film:
"It was one of my first concerns at the beginning of the film. I said, 'look I don't want him to feel he's just doing hand to hand combat he's a god we should see him off the ground more and we should see the power of that weapon and his abilities.' So that was something we really concentrated on upping the action and the stunts and his skillset, really showcasing what he's capable of."
Hemsworth is going to need that strength. While at Wizard Con in Sacramento, Hemsworth squared off in a photo against the original Hulk, Lou Ferrigno, with Stan Lee stuck in the middle.
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