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Hezbollah News: Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah Claims Drone Launch

ISRAEL-Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah head of the Lebanese militant group has taken responsibility for the launching drone aircraft over Israel's airspace earlier this week. That prompted Israeli military to shoot down the aircraft.

The drone was Iranian made and flew well into Israeli territory flying some 25 miles into Israel according to

The aircraft was gunned down near the Dimona nuclear reactor located in the Negev Desert. In a televised statement Narsallah said that the aircraft flew over sensitive installations inside southern Palestine, referring to Israel.

Narsallah said. "Today we are uncovering a small part of our capabilities, and we shall keep many more hidden. It is our natural right to send other reconnaissance flights inside occupied Palestine ... This is not the first time and will not be the last. We can reach any place we want."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Hezbollah of launching the aircraft into Israel and confirmed that the drone had no weapons on board and was probably used for reconnaissance.

Hezbollah is said to be supported by Iran and Syria nations who have seen an escalation in regional tensions of late.

Internationally despite support from Iran and Syria, Hezbollah has been labeled as a terrorist organization or resistance movement. Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Egypt, Israel, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and the United States have deemed the Lebanese political party a terrorist organization.

This incident isn't the first time Hezbollah has entered Israeli airspace unlawfully. In 2004 the group sent another unmanned aircraft into Israeli skies.