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Tom Brokaw Cancer Responds to Treatment But Not Curable Doctors Reveal

Tom Brokaw announced this month that he is being treated for a type of bone marrow cancer called multiple myeloma, that he was diagnosed with last August. The television icon says that he is responding well to the treatment and is optimistic, while doctors reveal that there is no cure for the affliction.

Tom Brokaw revealed he is sick with cancer, but there's no need for any kind of pitty party, because he reports he is responding quite well to treatments.

Multiple myeloma is the second most common cancer of the bone marrow after lymphoma, and though it might have quickly killed Brokaw in the nineties, Dr. Edward Stadtmauer, chief of hematologic malignancies at the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania told NBC that it isn't the menace it once was:

"A decade ago I would have been happy if half my patients responded to treatment - and for just a few years. Now we expect treatments to have a 95 percent response rate.

"Patients can go decades with the disease doing fine, but still having it.

"Just like high blood pressure and diabetes, people can live it for a long period of time."

Brokaw thanked everyone for the support in an official statement, but asked that everyone respect his personal space while he fights for his life (via NBC):

"With the exceptional support of my family, medical team and friends, I am very optimistic about the future and look forward to continuing my life, my work and adventures still to come.

"I remain the luckiest guy I know."

"I am very grateful for the interest in my condition but I also hope everyone understands I wish to keep this a private matter."

Good luck with the privacy; he has a better chance of them finding the cure for cancer first.

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