When it was announced that Disney had bought the Star Wars franchise, the internet caught on fire with casting rumors. Now some of Hollywood’s hottest actors are opening up about their possible involvement in the new film. Everyone from Zac Efron to Gary Oldman has announced that they have been in talks with the movie's producers about appearing in Episode 7. Disney’s newest prince, Tom ‘Loki” Hiddleston has spoken out about the his future in galaxy far far away.
Star Wars Episode 7 is in pre production and that means it's casting rumor season. The original series cast a lot of virtual unknowns, however, some of the business' biggest names have been thrown around the rumor mill for the new movie.
Zac Efron might be returning to his Disney roots. The former High School Musical actor recently revealed to MTV that he is talks with the studio about being cast Star Wars 7:
“I just went and met with [producers]. So I don’t know. It would be cool. I love [the Star Wars movies], I love them, but … who knows?”
The Dark Knight Trilogy actor Gary Oldman has also said similar conversations with the studio, however, he was not so forthcoming about the discussion. He simply confirmed that have called. However, Oldman did tell reporters what made him sign on for the recent Robocop remake:
"Money!.. I'm at the mercy of what the industry is making and what comes through my door. But I thought this was an intelligent script and I love Jose's [director] point of view."
Tom Hiddleston has also gotten in on the action...sort of. In a recent interview with Perez Hilton, Tom Hiddleston revealed that he doesn’t think the Star Wars are in his future:
"Well, that hasn’t happened yet. It’d be very flattering, of course…I imagine they’re looking for people who don’t have an association elsewhere. The audience need to believe in the character, rather than saying, ‘Oh look, it’s Loki with a lightsaber!'"
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