Beloved Disney Channel series Good Luck Charlie, starring Bridgit Mendler, is gearing up for its big finale next Sunday night. The show broke ground recently, when they showed the channel’s first ever lesbian couple. Shortly after the program’s young star, Mia Talerico, received some death threats via social media. It is unknown if the threats are connected to the introduction of same sex characters.
Five-year-old Good Luck Charlie star Mia Talerico was the recent recipient of some pretty nasty death threats. The young actress was the victim of some harsh harassment on Instagram. TMZ has reported that some of the comments included:
"Die Mia, F*****g Die in hell! Kill yourself, you deserve to die."
As well as,"Yes, kill youreself stupid b***h."
PEOPLE reached out to LAPD Commander Andrew Smith for more information on the threats. Smith told the publication:
"Our threat analysis unit always keeps our threat investigations findings and recommendations confidential because often the people who make threats read the media coverage they receive."
It is one thing for paparazzi to take pictures of stars and for the late night host to crack a few jokes. That is all part of what is called the price of fame. However, that price should never mean that a child and their family should have to face death threats from anonymous trolls on the internet.
The show recently caused a controversy when it was the first Disney Channel program to feature a same sex couple. Disney Channel rep spoke with TV Guide about the episode, starting:
"This particular storyline was developed under the consultancy of child development experts and community advisors,Like all Disney Channel programming, it was developed to be relevant to kids and families around the world and to reflect themes of diversity and inclusiveness."
It is still unknown if the treats are connected in any way to the episode.
The series finale airs next Sunday, Feb 16 on The Disney Channel.
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