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UPDATE: The Best Grammy Blooper Ever? Step Forward...Billy Joel!

UPDATE: "The YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement."

A fun piece from the Huffington Post lines up the top Grammy bloopers.

Our favorite?

Without a shadow of a doubt, Billy Joel's 1993 blowback at ad execs.

Joel's speech had been cut short to make more room for a commercial break, and nobody does that to the man, apparently.

So, the man waited until halfway though his song, later in the show, and stopped without warning to intone, "ad dollars flying by" and the like.

After he'd made his point, Joel flashed an impish grin at the audience, and the rocking resumed.

Style, Billy Joel, style. Here [was] the video.

The big moment is at about three minutes in...