Well, George Zimmerman has done it again. After having the charges of his most recent assault dropped, the acquitted killer is rubbing his seemingly bulletproof status in the face of the American public. Zimmerman has targeted his next victim..of sorts, prosecutor Angela Corey. Zimmerman has released a new painting, poking fun at Corey.
When you're looking at a list of great painters, George Zimmerman’s name can be found up there with Adolf Hitler. When he is not being accused of excessively violent acts and subsequently getting away scott free, the acquitted child murderer spends his time painting.
Taking advantage of his ill gained celebrity status, Zimmerman is able to pass off subpar paintings for big bucks. His last painting, basically a trace of a stock photo of the American flag, sold for an insane $100,099.99 on Ebay. Zimmerman captioned the tracing with the message:
"Everyone has been asking what I have been doing with myself. I found a creative way to express myself, my emotions and the symbols that represent my experiences. My art work allows me to reflect, providing a therapeutic outlet and allows me to remain indoors."
His latest project, is basically a tracing of a photo of prosecutor Angie Corey. This painting is reminiscent of one of those awful tattoo fails of real people that grace the internet, and it comes with the captain:
"I have this much respect for the American judicial system - Angie C."
Zimmerman’s brother, Robert Zimmerman JR , tweeted a picture of the painting along with the message:
"Very proud to introduce @TherealGeorgeZ 's latest..."Angie". Sale info & details available tomorrow."
Now we know that Zimmerman seemingly has a free pass to murder children and bully women (ALLEGEDLY), but someone please convict him for murdering art?
What do you think about George Zimmerman’s “art”?
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