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‘Harry Potter’ Emma Watson Sans New Boyfriend Shops for NYC Apartment; Going Back to Brown?

Emma Watson, forever known for her role in the Harry Potter films, has been spotted all over lately. First at school at Oxford, then frolicking on the beach in the Caribbean with new boyfriend Matthew Janney and now shopping for apartments in New York City. The 23-year-old vixen has been seen shopping New York lodging before to no avail, but with reports that she is returning to nearby Brown University, this time it might be for real.

Emma Watson has been oscillating between one side of the Atlantic to the other for a time now--attending Brown in 2009 only to leave and go back to making picture for a spell.

Watson is currently attending Oxford, but told Huffington Post that she was thinking about returning to Brown, because she and the university were better fits for one another:

“I really like the fact that it has a very open curriculum, that there aren’t any requirements. Really, I’ve kind of been in charge of my own education since I started out on Potter when I was 9 or 10, and I liked that I could design my own major if I wanted to, and I could take independent studies if I wanted to on subjects that weren’t necessarily in the curriculum...And it attracts a certain type of student," she continued, "[someone] very independent who wants to take responsibility and control of what they’re learning. That really appealed to me as well.”

Perhaps, that is why she has been spotted house shopping in nearby New York.

The actress needs a home on the weekends to escape the rigors of collegiate and focus on the trappings of Hollywood.

According to the very well informed Belfast Telegraph, Watson is looking at the more moderately priced accommodations:

“Emma was interested in a new building on 150 E. 72nd St., which has apartments selling for up to $15 million.”

Sounds lovely, when do we move in?

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