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Philanthropist Giver Taylor Swift Dating Jared Leto Golden Globe 'Dallas Buyers Club' Winner?

Generous celebrity giver Taylor Swift has been getting a lot of attention lately for her charitable donations to cherished Nashville landmarks like the Nashville Symphony and the city library. The philanthropist was also getting a lot of attention from new Golden Globe statue owner Jared Leto, following his Dallas Buyers Club win, fueling rumors that the two are dating.

Jared Leto, who took home his first Golden Globe for his HIV positive portrayal in Dallas Buyers Club, was seen sticking extremely close to Taylor Swift at the In Touch after party.

He even posted a picture, where he is holding Swift oh so close, on Instagram, with the caption "Me. Taylor Swift. Golden Globes. Xo." This led some to speculate that the two must be doing a little hugging and kissing off camera.

There is reportedly no truth to the gossip. Jared Leto is actually seeing London-born model Natalie Leron exclusively.

The couple, who met on the set of 30 Seconds to Mars short film Hurricane, have been a red hot ticket item ever since.

A friend of the couple, who claims to have spent the holidays with them vacationing in the Caribbean, told Star that Leto is fascinated by Leron in a way that he isn’t with other women:

“Natalie is one of the few girls that Jared has met that is as unconventional as he is. She keeps him on his toes.”

While that isn’t necessarily good news for the still single Taylor Swift, at least Jared Leto has someone to help thicken him up.