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Yeezus Kanye West Sues Bitcoin-like Coinye for Damaging Net Worth, Worshiped by New Religion Yeezianity

Self-proclaimed creative genius Kanye West doesn’t necessarily believe that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so the worshipers of the new religion Yeezianity had better note it. Yeezus himself is suing to stop the launch of Coinye, a Bitcoin like online currency, that he feels in caching in his fame and drawing on his net worth.

Kanye West is known to have a high opinion of himself. The 36-year-old hip-hop producer even has a track titled “I Am a God” on his album Yeezus, which came out last fall. Now, there is a site proclaiming the very same thing, that Kanye saves, on his internet.

There is a new site on the itrawebs,, that proclaims Kanye will bring in a new era of peace (via Daily Mail)::

“We are an anonymous group who believes that the one who calls himself Yeezus is a divine being who has been sent by God to usher in a New Age of humanity...all of our members will reveal their identities and their divine forms and the Creative Age will finally begin!”

It isn’t clear whether you are required to tithe or not to become a member, but in any case, you had better not pay in Coinye.

West's lawyer issued a cease and desist letter to the company, while obtaining permission from a judge to obtain the identities of Coinye’s founder to pursue further legal action.

The company folded, but not before issuing the coins with an updated South Park image of the rapper as merman without a body.

A website targeted by West and his lawyer has already raised the white flag via its Twitter account (via ABC):

"COINYE IS DEAD. You win, Kanye."

Thy will be done, let us pray. Amen.

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