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'Dallas Buyers Club' Jared Leto Dating Girlfriend Natalie Loren NOT Taylor Swift? [RUMORS]

UPDATE: An angry attorney who claims to represent Jared Leto has refuted this article. We're not really sure what part, becuase he didn't ellaborate. Just know that Jared Leto REALLY cares about who you think he's dating. Again, we're not sure what part of this is false, so just go ahead and assume the whole thing is. -Jonathan Lambert, Contributing Editor

The girls are going crazy for Jared Leto’s emaciated new frame. Lots of people are starting to take notice of everyone he is seen with and speculating that they are dating. However, the Dallas Buyer’s Club star’s new girlfriend is reportedly Natalie Loren and not country music singer Taylor Swift.

Ever since Jared Leto lost 30 lbs for his role as someone living with HIV during the AIDS epidemic of the late eighties and early nineties, in his new movie Dallas Buyers Club, the media cannot stop talking about the star, as though he transformed himself into a Greek adonis, instead of someone withering away to nothingness, due to a fatal disease.

That is why the world has begun to speculate that he is dating Taylor Swift. Leto and his “sexy new body” were seen next to Swift’s at a Golden Globes after party, so naturally they must be an item.

Unfortunately, they're not.

According to Star, Leto actually just got back from a December vacay with his alleged real-life girlfriend, London-born model Natalie Leron.

The couple reportedly met on the set of 30 Seconds to Mars' short film, Hurricane, and have been enamored with each other ever since.

Though the pair hasn’t been together for too long, they are made for one another, an inside source recently told Star:

“Natalie is one of the few girls that Jared has met that is as unconventional as he is. She keeps him on his toes.”

If she really loves Leto, she will get him a sandwich and makes sure he never gets AIDS, because he looks like he is on death’s door.

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