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Irish Colin Farrell Interview Ellen Wanted Elizabeth Taylor For Wife

Irish heartthrob Colin Farrell is known for his sometimes unique and eccentric choice of movie roles. Few realized that the rumored Iron Man replacement, is a bit unique and eccentric himself...until the 37-year-old started to wax romantic in an interview on Ellen about how he just missed making Elizabeth Taylor his wife.

Farrell inevitably plays someone’s love interest in whatever film he is in, even if it is just to the ladies in the audience.

So it came as some surprise when he told Ellen Degeneres that he hadn’t made a major love connection since the passing of the extremely elderly Elizabeth Taylor.

The star initiated a meeting with Taylor when he bumped into her agent. The two met but mostly stuck to late night chats on the phone (via Us Weekly):

"It was really cool, and she wasn't much of a sleeper at night, like I'm not, so at two o'clock in the morning, I'd call her...And that was the beginning of a year and a half or two years of what was a really cool [relationship]. It was kind of like the last -- it feels like in my head, not hers, I'm projecting -- but the last kind of romantic relationship I had. Which was never consummated. I just adored her. She was a spectacular, spectacular woman. I wanted to be [husband] number eight, but we ran out of road."

We at Offbeat can only assume that this is some sort of unseemly satire, and would like everyone to respect the memory of Miss Taylor.

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