The British hit period drama series, Downton Abbey, returns to PBS for Season 4. The popular show will air it’s new season premiere this Sunday evening at 9 p.m. This year Shirley MacLaine returns as the American grandmother, and Paul Giamatti debuts as a guest star on the show.
This season we pick up six months after the tragic car accident that killed Matthew, played by Dan Stevens.
Lady Mary, who is portrayed by the always elegant Michelle Dockery, is now faced with raising her newborn sans husband,and is once again the most eligible bachelorette in Yorkshire county.
Penelope Wilton returns as Lady Isobel Crawley, who is still suffering from grief since the senseless loss of her son.
Though the family had begun to count of Matthew’s guidance and leadership, Lord Grantham, played by Hugh Bonneville, is , again, going to have to take sole control of the estate for himself.
With all the major ups and downs, you can still expect the same old Downton. Lesley Nicol, who plays culinary queen Miss Patmore in the show, discussed what its like to player her character to CBS News in upcoming scene that’s drama centers around a new fangled electric mixer:
“Shouting at everybody and being horrible. As an actor you go, 'Is she just a plain, nasty piece of work?' [She’s] solely responsible for the food in that house. If you go to dinner at Downton, it's got to be the best you've ever had. Sometimes people are harsh because they need things to be right."
Sounds like classic Downton. We can’t wait.
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