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CNN ‘Anderson Cooper 360’ Show Laughing Talk About White Hair Mother Sexuality

The 46-year-old Anderson Cooper, most recognized from CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360, is not usually known for scandal or salacious comments. His white hair alone has more journalistic integrity than all of the network’s other contributors combined. So, it was, at least, a little out of his known character when he spontaneously began to discuss the sexuality of his elderly mother the other night on his talk show. It maye not be that scandalous, but it does have the whole world puzzeled, if not laughing.

Earlier this week, the silver fox had noted gay activist Dan Savage onto his show to be a part of a roundtable discussion of the most important events in 2013. Cooper asked the sex advice columnist about his favorite scandal of the year. After revealing his pick was Toranto mayor Rob Ford, the comical Savage quickly quipped, “I love a good cunnilingus joke on the evening news.”

Cooper just could not pass up this opportunity in the discussion to bring up his mother’s love of oral sex. read that right. Cooper discusses a mother’s love in a way that no man ever should (via The Wrap):

“My mom once wrote a romance memoir about men she had dated–and I use that term loosely–and she described one guy she was currently dating--my mom was 85 at the time--as the Nijinsky of cunnilingus. And she made me proofread the book.”

Anderson Cooper may not know it, but you don’t have to take every job that comes your way.

What do you think about all this?

Is it a little revolting to speak so openly about your mother’s love life on television? Or is it completely normative to mention your mother and cunnilingus in the same sentence?

Let us know what's on your mind. Leave your comments in the field below.

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