MTV’s docu-series Generation Cyro follows teenager Breeanna Speicher as she tracks down her long lost brothers and sisters. The catch is that there are fifteen of them, and they all belong to completely different families. Speicher and all of her brothers and sister come from the same father or sperm donor, rather.
Bree, a self described "sperm donor baby," is the daughter of two women, who went their separate ways when she was three. Speicher has been interested in finding her father for almost as long as she remembers, but until watching a documentary on the topic, never considered that she might have half-brothers and sisters out there.
That is when Breeanna went online and found the Donor Sibling Registry. She soon discovered that she had fifteen siblings, strewn from Massachusetts to California and with the help of MTV, began to contact them. Though she has yet to meet her father, Donor 1096, she has been able to meet nine of the fifteen. The experience has been life changing for Bree, according to In Touch:
“It’s been huge for me to be able to bond with them. We’re all really artistic and well-spoken, that has to be genetics! I love them so much…with them, I don’t have to pretend to be anything other than who I am.We respect each other’s boundaries…I don’t know where I’d be without my brothers and six sisters!”
Though she still hasn't found out the identity of her father, she says she will keep looking. Even if the search yields nothing other than her new siblings, she says, “This will have been 110 percent worth it.”
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