We get publicity photos by the bushel here at Classicalite. A couple of months ago, we published a selection of the five worst publicity shots to cross our desks. Since then, we have seen some truly wonderful pub shots, which inspired this roundup of the 10 best pub shots we've seen all year.
Having looked at so many, we feel well qualified to present the best of the lot. We discovered that a relatively small number of artists and ensembles had most of the Top 10 photos: the JACK Quartet, violinist David Garrett, and pianist Lang Lang.
Here are some insights we've gained from studying the lot: The artists with some of the best photos often have some of the worst as well. And, shockingly, sometimes there isn't that much separating the best photos from the worst. All it takes is for one element to be off, and a potentially great photo bites the dust.
Of course, choosing the best shots and the worst shots is a matter of opinion. A couple of the shots we thought were the best, others have chosen as the worst.
Here, then, is our ode to the tricky art of shooting great publicity shots (see slide show above).
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