Last month, Disney and Netflix made headlines when they announced that they were producing four original TV shows and a mini-series for the streaming service. The shows ordered are based around Marvel's Hell's Kitchen Heroes: Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and Jessica Jones, with the mini series based around The Defenders. Meanwhile, Ben Affleck is coming out about his time as The Man Without Fear.
Daredevil is undoubtedly the most well known hero in Marvel’s Hell's Kitchen series, so its not surprising that the studio has already nailed down a show runner for the drama. Buffy the Vampire Slayer veteran Drew Goddard is going to helm the series. Goddard told Collider about his love for the character earlier in the year, before the deal was announced:
"You’re talking to a guy who had quotes from Daredevil painted on his walls growing up. When I was 18 I still had the blood-red door with the ‘I have shown him that a man without hope is a man without fear,’ that was what I love. If we can find the right project, I’d love to do it.”
Meanwhile, Batman Vs Superman’s Ben Affleck is reminiscing about his time as Daredevil. Affleck infamously starred in the 2003 movie and Batfleck recently called the movie the worst one that he has ever done, telling Playboy:
"Its the only movie I actually regret. It just kills me. I love that story, that character, and the fact that it got f****d up the way it did stays with me. Maybe that's part of the motivation to do Batman."
However, he did credit the film with being the reason he got together with his wife, Jennifer Garner:
"Look at Daredevil. That's where I found my wife. We met on Pearl Harbor, which people hate, but we fell in love on Daredevil. By the way, she won most of the fights in the movie, which was a pretty good predictor of what would happen down the road--my wife, holding swords and beating the living s**t out of me."
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