Last week, an all new X-men movie was announced and rumors are still flying. It is now being reported that Apocalypse may make an appearance in Days of Future Past. Meanwhile, a new theory is brewing about Magento and the Bent Bullet that killed JFK. Warning Spoilers Follow.
Bryan Singer, director of the X-Men series, has officially announced the end of the world and the expansion of the X-Universe, when he tweeted:
“#Xmen #Apocalypse 2016!”
That simple tweet has the internet on fire with rumors about the future of the franchise. Daniel Alter, Hitman director and vocal fanboy, has been tweeting possible spoilers for the new film:
"@NikkiFinke: Bryan Singer Announces New 'X-Men' Movie for 2016" Which probably sets up shared universe with #xforce / #deadpool.”
"@NotoriousJLD: X-MEN: APOCALYPSE coming in 2016 per @BryanSinger ... no word from Fox yet." Smart move. Fox is building their #marvel U.”
First Showing is now reporting that a leak version of the script for X-Men Days of Future Past puts Apocalypse in the new film.
It has also been rumored that X-Men: Days of Future Past is currently in reshoots. Could Apocalypse’s inclusion be what they were reshooting?
Singer recently spoke with Empire, about the new film:
"It's about figuring your rules and sticking to them. The principle I looked at is this theory that until an object is observed, it hasn't really happened yet. The time-traveller whose consciousness travels through time I call The Observer, and until The Observer returns to where he travelled from, the result hasn't occurred yet. So he can muck about in the past and it isn't until he snaps back that the new future is set. As a result, we're able to have parallel action, and there's an underlying tension because there's always that threat Wolverine's consciousness could return and leave the world in an even darker place."
Meanwhile, Magneto is apparently the man behind the magic bullet that killed JFK. The film has launched a promotional website called The Bent Bullet that alleges:
"Half a century ago, Magneto was implicated in the mutant plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. The events of that fateful day in November have been a point of contention between humans and the mutants ever since."
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