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Prince Harry Engaged to 2013 Girlfriend Cressida Bonas Before Charity Trip? [RUMORS]

Rumors are flying that Prince Harry is engaged to his 2013 girlfriend Cressida Bonas. This latest news comes after it was reported that the royal met with Cressida’s father before his trip to the South Pole.

According to gossip site Grazia, Prince Harry had a heart to heart with Jeffrey Bonas, Cressida’s father. The alleged source says that marriage was definitely brought up:

“It seems that Harry and Cressida have spoken about marriage, he wanted to do the honorable thing and meet her father to let Jeffrey know his intentions before he went to the South Pole. It’s always scary meeting your girlfriend’s father, but Harry knows how close Cressida is to her family.”

For a while, it didn’t look like Harry was going to make it on his journey at all. E! News recently reported that the royal heartthrob got holed up in Antarctica, revealing:

“A snow storm and high winds have left the 29-year-old and his fellow Walking With the Wounded teammates--along with the two other teams competing--confined to their base camp at Novolazarevskaya Station, Antarctica.”

This trek was something that Harry has been training for, but according to one insider who spoke with Heat, it inspired the location for his upcoming proposal:

"Harry's been training in Iceland for his walk to the South Pole in November and has fallen in love with the country. He wants to propose somewhere close to his heart and he wants to take Cressida to the famous Ice Hotel and then pop the question under the Northern Lights. He knows she'll love this.”

What do you think about the latest rumors? Did Harry really ask Cressida’s father for permission to propose? Do you think they will be a good fit? Tell us your thoughts in the comment field below.

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