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Ian McKellen Health Update: How a Costume Element Protected the Actor from a Potentially Life-Changing Onstage Fall

Ian McKellen
(Photo : Nicky J Sims/Getty Images)

Following a mishap on stage during a West End performance, Ian McKellen shared an interesting anecdote about how a fat suit unexpectedly came to his rescue.

The 85-year-old actor portrayed John Falstaff in "Player King."

In a June 17 show during a fight scene performance, the "Lord of the Rings" actor stumbled and tumbled into the crowd. After this unexpected incident, McKellen's spokesperson reassured his fans about his "speedy" recovery.

Following the announcement, it was revealed that he would not resume his lead role for the remainder of the London shows. However, he anticipated returning during the production's Bristol run once he fully recuperated.

In a recent interview with Saga Magazine, the Tony winner revealed his current struggle with fear, sharing that he now finds it daunting to step outside his home.

He also wears wrist support and a neck brace as he remains dedicated to his journey of complete healing.

McKellen confessed, "I don't go out because I get nervous in case someone bangs into me, and I've got unbearable pains in my shoulders to do with my whole frame having been jolted."

"But I was wearing a fat suit for Falstaff and that saved my ribs and other joints. So I've had a lucky escape really."

He continued, "I've relived that fall I don't know how many times. It was horrible. I thought it was the end of something. It was very upsetting. The end didn't mean my death. It was my participation in the play."

"I have to keep assuring myself that I'm not too old to act and it was just a bloody accident. I didn't lose consciousness, I hadn't been dizzy, but I've not been able to go back and they still played without me."

In a social media update in June, McKellen thanked his supporters and revealed, "Since the accident, during a performance of Player Kings last night, my injuries have been diagnosed and treated by a series of experts, specialists and nurses working for the National Health Service."

"To them, of course, I am hugely indebted. They have assured me that my recovery will be complete and speedy and I am looking forward to returning to work."

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