The Gilmore Girls is being brought back to life in the upcoming Netflix revival series, Gilmore Girls: Seasons. The series was created by Amy Sherman-Palladino, who also created the ABC Family series Bunheads, which starred Broadway’s own Sutton Foster (Thoroughly Modern Millie, Anything Goes). Foster is a self described Gilmore Girls “super-nerd.” So when it was revealed that the show was making a comeback, Foster caught the first metaphorical flight to Stars Hollow. Now Foster is opening up about her time on set, including some of the Stars Hollow residents that she got to hang with while she was in town.
Recently, Sutton Foster spoke to Entertainment Weekly about how she geeked out on the set of the Gilmore Girls: Seasons:
“The first time I walked on the GIlmore Girls set, walked into Stars Hollow, was -- beyond. I was walking by and I was like, ‘There’s Lorelai's house, there's the jeep.’ I’m like ‘Oh my gosh! There’s Kim’s antiques. ‘Oh my gosh! There’s Luke’s Dinner.’ I am like a big super-nerd. So it was really cool sort of walking through.”
Speaking of seasons, it looks like the show will span at least three seasons, as Foster went on to add:
“The first time I was there it was decorated for -- I think it was like Spring time and the second time I was there it was decorated for fall. So they had like, all the pumpkins were out and ll the Autumn leaves. It’s just a magical little place.
Foster even gave us a little insight into who she ran into, saying:
“I got to interact with Babette - Sally Struthers, and Miss Patty and Sophie - Carole King, she was there. And Taylor and some surprises that I can’t talk about.”
Are you excited to see Sutton Foster in Stars Hollow? What do you think about the upcoming revival? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page.
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